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Get Your Shine ON!

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Can I Get Even More Manifesting Help Without Breaking The Bank?


You Bet You Can With A Limited Time Trial...

And A Small Monthly Investment

Amplify Your Law Of Attraction Results Even More With Powered UP Premium

Take Another Step On Your Manifesting Path With An Affordable Add-On To Your Membership

But Beware, Powered UP Premium Isn't For Just Any Law Of Attraction Enthusiast

Learn | Grow | Community

Belonging to

Our Premium Membership

Is More Than Being Part Of A Group

It's a Calling To Become A Manifesting Genius

Being part of a community can be a phenomenal experience for some and not so great for others. It all depends on who you are and what kind of expectations you have. 

Example: think about Facebook groups. How many have you joined in the last year? One, ten, more?

But if I asked you how many notifications you get in a day and how many of those you click on, what would that answer be? What's super interesting about that is why you choose to be part of some groups and not others. 

Whether or not you're the chatty type doesn't matter. Our vision for Powered UP Premium grew out of what most community memberships are not. At Illuminated You Lifestyle Coaching, it's important to us that you get the most out of your time here, even if you're not paying for a coaching package. 

That's why The Powered UP Premium Membership is based on a foundation of six important things. 






Personal Development

When you've these things, you have a community where you want to hang out because it's every bit as great as the people who are a part of it. 


Be part of a community full of people with the best  character and grow strong in your manifesting skills.


Experience results you've only hoped for through more knowledge and new applied skills.


Get great value for excellent manifesting training that won't break the bank.


Convey ideas and strengths successfully by sending the right messages and getting the information you need.


You can show up to participate in fun activities and beneficial training knowing you're accepted and respected in our group setting.


Grow, improve and advance to the next level of your inherent potential for enhancement in all areas of your life. 

Now Compare The Quality Advantage

In The Premium Mini-Course Series Line Up

The main focus of our Powered UP Premium Membership is the 12 specially selected, IYLC mini-courses to help you up-level your understanding of manifesting and gain new skills as you grow.

Here's how it works:

  • You get one topic and one mini-course per month.

  • There are two, live monthly digital get-togethers for questions, and additional learning.

  • One lesson is unlocked each week with relevant assignments and materials attached.

  • You'll be able to access recordings of the lessons anytime once they're released and the virtual group coaching sessions once they're completed.

  • And Here's The Short And Sweet On What You Get

    Reach For The Top With The Ultimate Plus To The Powered UP Membership

    Get All The

    Learning| Growing | Community

    And Still Get All The Excellent Value From The Original Powered UP Lineup

    You'll Also Get These Outstanding Bonuses In This

    Highly Co-Creative Mix

    Bonus 1

    Find out what an advanced manifesting student does! 

    Nope, these aren't the Magnetic Me Podcast episodes you might know and love. It's No Coincidence is something completely different. You know how when you're catching up with a good friend, maybe even post-pandemic where it's been a year or more? For sure, you're gonna wanna know what the hay's been goin' on in their life. The first thing you might ask them is, "How've ya been?" Or, "What's new?"

    One of the most asked questions I get as a manifesting coach is, "What have you manifested?" It's a version of the "What's New?" Q. Everybody who knows what I do always wants to know what the heck I've used the Law of Attraction for in my own life. More importantly, there are always questions about how I handle the not-so-easy times while waitin' on the LOA to hand me my realizations. 

    Well, the INC Podcast is all about that. I'm putting it all out there for Powered UP Premium members by recording my experiences with co-creation. Yup, you'll get the skinny on what's been poppin' up for me, and I'll give it to ya straight. Our mutual acquaintances, the good, the bad, and the ugly, may make occasional appearances in this show. I'm always up for a stop-by from the fantastic, mind-blowing, or miraculous as well. Whatever happens, I promise to be honest with you. This is where you'll get a feel for how an advanced manifesting student traverses the ins and outs, the trials, and the errors of all things co-creation. I'm making a guarantee of one episode per month or as manifestations appear.

    Bonus 2

    Turn off the stress and live better with Club Med-itation.

    No, not that Club Med; I'm talking about our very own meditation group inside of PUP. Why? Because I know how busy and crazy life can get, and many times, something important but not critical this moment can get pushed off and not get done. And how about those things that you can't control and don't see comin'? It all adds up, doesn't it? Circumstances tend to pile up on top of other circumstances. Pretty soon, the state of your life bears a close resemblance to what you're feeling on the inside. Which may not be very pretty or exciting and there are times when those feelings tend to drag on for soooo long! What's more, those emotions of being overwhelmed and anxious aren't conducive to manifesting anything good. 

    Club Med-itation is perfect when you need to de-stress, which, if you're anything like most of us, could be every day. It's a great me-time activity because meditation can get you out of overthinking mode, so you're relaxing your mind and your body while you're doing it. If you're doin' it right, it's an immediate energy refresher that is perfect for getting you into a preferred manifesting mode. But it isn't always easy to do it by yourself or in silence. Sometimes a quick change-UP in your routine can be a life saver and that's what Club Med-itation is for.

    Here's the way it works. You'll notice on the Get Your Shine ON calendar (which comes with the free membership) that there's a live 1-hour session held once per month. All you need to do is show up to it ready to turn off your brain for a while. When you arrive, I'll walk you through a targeted meditation where you'll get the chance to change the outcome of your day by increasing your frequency in a way that puts you in line with your desires. 

    But what if ya just can't make it to the live session? No problem, there will be a recording of the live session posted inside the member's area once it's completed and a download for that month's meditation. In fact, you'll be able to choose if you want to have music in the background of the meditation or not. I'll post both with music and without just in case you're havin' a day that you could do without as much noise as possible.

    Each month, we'll do a different meditation, and you'll get a chance to let me know what you'd like to have in your de-stressing arsenal. Maybe you'd like me to create a meditation that focuses on a particular emotion like passion and enthusiasm, or one for releasing worry; whatever you need can be my inspiration for a new mediation. That means you'll get at least 12 new and original meditations in your library per year, and you can use them again and again.

    Bonus 4

    Show up for success with Powered UP Premium Never Miss-It Notifications

    And just for my uber-punctual people, I'm doing this to make you happy. It's also totally for you if you tend to sign up for a class or a webinar or whatever, and then you keep missing out on them. Hey, I see you. ;) But stuff happens, even when you have the best of intentions. And it's not always convenient to check your email when you've got texting included in your cell phone plan.

    So I figure I'd take the Get Your Shine ON Events Calendar to the next level for my Powered UP Premium members. I'll you a text notification to remind you of our upcoming events. This is totally up to you, but if you sign up for notifications, you'll get a text the day of the event to remind you it's upcoming, then another a few minutes before it starts. And if you want to get texts, just a gentle reminder that they'll count against your texting package with your wireless provider. You'll also continue to get the reminder emails unless you tell me that you only want texts. So never miss one of our Premium Events by giving me your cell number and checking the box on the order form when you're signing up for Powered UP Premium!

    Yes, there will be videos to view later if you can't make it. But I promise you're gonna wanna make it to the live event. Why? Because that's were you're gonna get the details about upcoming contests or challenges within our premium space. Not only that, but you'll get rewarded with exclusive freebies just for showing up from time-to-time and maybe even the opportunity to grab some special IYLC swag. ;)

    Bonus 3

    Gain insight into manifesting by being impressively bookish with the classics.

    I've noticed many of my clients and students tend to be a bit of a bookish type. If you looove to read, especially an honest-to-gosh book that's made out of paper and bound and you can hold it in your hands, well, that's something we have in common. I have nothing against reading in any form of digital fashion, and it can be very convenient at times. If you know anything about me, you'll know that I listen to a lot of audiobooks because they're available and so easily consumed. I love soaking up the information I find in them. That's why a dynamic book club of readers (or listeners) can be a comfy and inspiring place to kick back and soak up some wisdom.

    So you might be wondering how this Manifestor's Book Club works. It's easy. There's a setlist of books on manifesting that are the foundation to moving from newbie to advanced in no time. I'm talkin' the oldies but the goodies! Think the elite of the new thought movement. Now, if you're into reading and you wanna participate, then I'll be posting a digital copy of the book for you inside your member's area. That's because some of the books will be in the public domain as they're old, and there are no copyrights protecting them. That means you don't have to a buy a thing unless you want to go and get a physical copy of the book. If you already have it in your library at home, good for you! However, if there's a decision made that we'll be covering a book that requires purchase, then you'll want to purchase it if you want to participate in the book club discussion that month.

    We'll be covering one book per month with a digital meet-up twice per month to discuss what we've learned and how we can implement it. Yes, there will be a list of questions about insights in the book and the material covered. There will also be recordings of the meetings as well if you can't attend. That way you can still will engage, learn and create some great manifesting energy!

    Here's What Some Manifestors Think Of Powered UP PREMIUM...

    “I'll admit I was a bit hesitant to start on the premium membership rightaway but I'm happy to say they work together very well to help get you using law of attraction.”

    P. A. He

    “Oh My Gosh! Those little programs didn't turn out to be small. They have lots of information in them and great incentive to keep going...it all makes much more sense now."

    Barb L.

    Here's What You Get With Powered UP Premium

      The Core Training

    • Twelve, Jam Packed Mini Courses

      ~to get you geared up and collecting your best outcomes yet

    • One Mini Course Per Month

      ~delivered one week at a time inside the membership

    • Two, Live Group Coaching Sessions Per Month

      ~for additional learning and support with recordings to follow

      The One-Of-A-Kind Bonuses

    • The Special, Premium-Only Podcast

      ~guaranteed one, insightful episode per month

    • The Once Per Month Club Med-itation

      ~ live group session with download to follow

    • The Twice Per Month Manifestor's Book Club

      ~live meet-ups with recordings to follow

    • The Never-Miss-It Notifications

      ~special text notifications only for Premium Members before live meetings and events (opt-in required)

      Fits In Seamlessly With Powered UP FREE

    • Core Trainings

    • Continuing Support

    • Resources

    Obsessed about what the gurus and experts don't reveal about manifesting?

    I was too when I first learned about it!

    Fast forward through trial, error and well over a decade of experience later. Today I'm here to tell you what manifesting, isn't.

    • It isn't one technique you just have to have.

    • It isn't a ritual of techniques you do over and over.

    • It Is. Not. Magic.

    But it's totally okay, no matter what you want or what inaccurate things others told you. Natural, universal laws are on your side; they always were.

    Even though I sometimes felt like I was never gonna figure it out, I learned, I'm not the exception to the rule of the Law of Attraction working for me. You're not an exception either, and I'm here to help!

    Answer Your Calling To Manifest With Powered UP Premium

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